Saturday, June 2, 2012

Happy 5th Birthday Adelee!!

Really? 5 years ago right now I was laying in a hospital bed freaking out because my baby kept sneezing and worrying that she was allergic to the world!? And Chuck and I would take turns laying awake at night with one hand on her belly, just to make sure she was still breathing--that is when she was not sucking, and sucking, and sucking...ouch that was a painful first few days!! We were in complete awe! Like nothing else we had ever or would ever experience. Adelee Rose. Now look at her! She is smart, beautiful, kind, caring and confident...oh yes confident! And she has made friends with, who without a doubt are the nicest girls at her preschool. And those girls came over for a hip hop/popsicle party to celebrate Adelee! They painted with "popsicles," learned a dance to "California Girls," ate popsicles and cake (strawberry cake coated in chocolate), and played. It was a beautiful day!
This is how we celebrated on her birthday... 7:00am- Opened presents. (thanks to Gordie's insisting)
12:00 noon- Ice Cream with lots of candy on top
5:00pm- Dinner at Fabrocini's of course. (pizza and lasagna)
7:00pm- Dessert
Chessa is loving all the commotion, music, paper, plastic, and balloons...yikes!
Gordie has handled everything very well. It must be hard for a 3 year old to watch his sister get all the attention and gifts, but he has been so happy and even said to me on May 31st "mommy, I want to make sure Adelee has the best birthday ever!" And he made it happen, cause she did as she told me tonight "this was the best birthday ever...I want to do this every year!" It's been a fun filled 2 days! Thank you to everyone for thinking of her on her birthday and for the lovely gifts! She loves them all! (sorry the photos are so bad, I decided I'm not really good at taking pictures and even worse with my iphone and a baby on my hip...but you get the idea.)

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