Sunday, October 17, 2010

13.1!!! I did it again!

So January of 2009 I made a New Years Resolution to Run a 1/2 marathon. The year came and went with maybe a couple of 2 mile runs. So a couple of months ago when my sister Anna told me she was training for her first 1/2 marathon and wanted me to train along side her...2000 miles apart I was all for it! So we did it!

It just so happened that the marathons were on the same day! TODAY! A beautiful, perfect, cool day in both Grand Rapids, MI and in Long Beach, CA. We both kicked butt too! I ran a lot faster than I thought I could and felt great the whole time...really I did!!! (right now, laying in bed...yeah, not feeling so legs feel like rocks!!)

Chuck, Adelee and Gordie came along to support and cheer me on! They had a blast playing with each other in and around the events, looking at the boats, the Queen Mary Historical Ship, the beach, the ocean, bridges, fountains...and watching LOTS AND LOTS OF RUNNERS!!! At the end Adelee told me "Mom, I'm proud of you" Melt my heart!!





Anna said...

Can't wait to see you in a couple of days!!! Love you!

Jenny and Nelly said...

Congrats Martha!!! I bet you wanted to sit in the stroller afterwards. : )

GLMcD said...

Awesome! Awesome! So great! I am proud of you too