Monday, June 1, 2009

Happy BIrthday Adelee

As I'm sitting here I can hear Adelee in her bed singing "Happy Birthday to ME...Happy Birthday to Me"

We had a wonderful day! It started out with Adelee playing with the "baby" down the street who she loves! Then we stopped by the local Fire Station for a tour of the trucks. While we were there they had a call so we got to see 2 trucks "go bye-bye". But the tour continued for a good 20 more minutes! Adelee loves fire trucks (ever since she was rescued by firemen when she was 13 months old. Plus they go past our house at least once a day. Then we had a nice lunch where the waiters came over singing happy birthday and gave Adelee a scoop of ice cream with a candle on top. She blew it right out without any hesitation! Then off to the Marry-Go-Round where we all had a wonderful ride! Finally, we ended the day with dinner at the park and a game of whiffle ball with Nel and Jen. And now they are both asleep and Chuck and I are celebrating an amazing past 2 years!

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